The document that issues rights can allow for another to make decisions and can be adjusted on a limited or broad basis to fit the principal and agent’s needs. Covering numerous areas, the form can be used to bestow controls in relation to health care, real property, personal property, or children. Arrangements can be made using the paperwork to initiate a claim of powers over the specified privileges at the execution of the contract, at a future date, or in the event that the declarant enters an unconscious or comatose state. Each document has a stipulated requirement to certify the participating parties’ endorsement, ensuring the recording of the event meets the threshold of certification on the state level.
Statutes – Revised Code of Washington – Uniform Power of Attorney Act ( § 11-125-010 – § 11-125-903)
Definition – “Power of attorney” means a writing that uses the term “power of attorney” and grants authority to an agent to act in the place of the principal (§ 11-125-020(7)).
Signing Requirements – Each form has different specifications mandated to capture signatures to create a legally binding agreement. Below are the indicated singing requirements that may entail a notary or witnesses’ commissioning to be present to verify the event. Financial/Medical POA (§ 11-125-050) & Living Will (§ 70-122-030).
By Type (11)
- Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will)
- Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney
- General (Financial) Power of Attorney
- Limited (Special) Power of Attorney
- Living Will
- Medical Power of Attorney
- Minor Child Power of Attorney
- Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney
- Real Estate Power of Attorney
- Revocation of Power of Attorney
- Tax Power of Attorney
Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will) – Combines the medical power of attorney and living will to secure the desired treatment for an individual past the point of incapacitation.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement by a notary and two (2) acceptable witnesses.
Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney – Presents granted controls to an alternate person concerning financial matters. The durability of the agreement issues rights that remain active should the principal become unable to make decisions for themselves due to an unconsciousness or a similar state.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement by notary public or two (2) witnesses allowed by state law (§ 11-125-050).
General (Financial) Power of Attorney – Issues powers to sign and act on behalf of the principal for indicated financial affairs.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement from a notary and/or two (2) legally adequate witnessing persons.
Limited (Special) Power of Attorney – Catalogues the terms to a commitment to convey particular decision-making, signing, and acting privileges to a third party.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement by a reputable notary professional or two (2) applicable witnesses.
Living Will – Supplies a summarized registry of the health care choices that a person would like to see carried out should circumstances arise where they become incapacitated.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment required by a notary in conjunction with two (2) witnesses as specified in the Revised Code of Washington § 70-122-030.
Medical Power of Attorney – Designates a third party to be allocated permissions to choose another person concerning health care possibilities.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment by a notary public or two (2) sufficient witnessing individuals is necessary to authenticate the commitment.
Minor Child Power of Attorney – Endows parental express parental rights to an agent temporarily.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement by a notary or two (2) witnesses to verify the agreement.
Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney – Utilizes a government form to permit a user other than the owner to sign documents related to licensing, transfer, and registration of a vehicle.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement by notary professional or a Washington vehicle licensing agent mandated by the state.
Real Estate Power of Attorney – Discloses the details of the commitment to legally give authority over action(s) to be taken in regard to real property.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment by a notary and/or two (2) witnesses is obligated to ensure the contract’s validity on a state level
Revocation of Power of Attorney – Legally records the abolishment of a pre-existing power of attorney contract.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement by notary or two (2) witnesses authorized per the Revised Code of Washington § 70-122-030.
Tax Power of Attorney – Issues admitted agency over tax situations to a nominated tax or legal professional.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgement by outside parties not required by law.