Oregon Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney Form


The Oregon Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney procures a written assignment to essentially permit another person to handle designated areas of the principal party’s property, tax, and/or legal matters. A “durable” contract provides additional coverage of the arrangement to extend beyond the potential incapacitation of the declarant. This stipulated clause allows the sustained acquirement of powers to remain in effect if the principal becomes mentally or physically unable to communicate for themselves. Filing the agreement will assist in ensuring recorded preference of the desired attorney-in-fact should an unforeseen event occur. Registering the bestowed controls on an as-needed basis to the agent of their choice can be identified by initialing beside the corresponding categories presented. The indicated date of commencement for the rights to be received can also be issued upon a selected date or upon the declarant’s incapacity.

Other Versions

eSign Version

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OpenDocs Version

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Additional Resources

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