Statutes – Louisiana Civil Code – Chapter 2. Mandate
Definition – “A mandate is a contract by which a person, the principal, confers authority on another person, the mandatary, to transact one or more affairs for the principal.” (§ 2989)
Signing Requirements – Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses or Notary Public Recommended.
By Type (11)
- Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will)
- Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney
- General (Financial) Power of Attorney
- Limited (Special) Power of Attorney
- Living Will
- Medical Power of Attorney
- Minor Child Power of Attorney
- Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney
- Real Estate Power of Attorney
- Revocation of Power of Attorney
- Tax Power of Attorney
Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will) – Provides individuals with the opportunity to declare their wishes for life-ending treatment as well as to appoint an agent to manage other healthcare decisions on their behalf.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses (§ 1151.2(A)(2))
Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney – Appoints an attorney-in-fact to carry out financial tasks in the principal’s name. The term “durable” refers to the document’s effectiveness remaining intact even if the principal becomes incapacitated.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses or Notary Public Recommended
General (Financial) Power of Attorney – A standard POA document that offers a list of broad financial authorities that cease to continue if the principal ever faces mental incapacity.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses or Notary Public Recommended
Limited (Special) Power of Attorney – Narrows down the scope of authority granted by providing the principal with the opportunity to write in their own powers.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses or Notary Public Recommended
Living Will – Records one’s desired instructions for end-of-life care.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses (§ 1151.2(A)(2))
Medical Power of Attorney – Accomplished for the purpose of assigning a healthcare representative to make medical decisions on the principal’s behalf should they be unable to do so in the future.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses Recommended
Minor Child Power of Attorney – The legal parent(s)/guardian(s) of a child may grant a temporary caretaker the authority to act in their place while they are away from the minor (to authorize any needed medical, dental, or educational actions).
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses & Notary Public
Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney – Utilized by people who wish to have an agent accomplish vehicle-related tasks in their name.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Notary Public
Real Estate Power of Attorney – Offers a list of real property functions that can be delegated to a third (3rd) party so that they may execute transactions in the grantor’s name.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses or Notary Public Recommended
Revocation of Power of Attorney – A form exercised for the goal of ending an established POA relationship.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses or Notary Public Recommended
Tax Power of Attorney – Individuals that wish to have their tax matters handled by an accountant, tax attorney, or another type of agent may convey this authority by fulfilling the requirements of this document.
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Signing Requirements: Necessitates the signatures of the taxpayer and their representative.