Alaska Revocation of Power of Attorney Form


The Alaska Revocation of Power of Attorney is the act of nullifying a previously accomplished POA form. If the principal would no longer like to have their attorney-in-fact possess the powers given, they can simply implement this document to ensure that the granted access is dissolved. The revoking party may exercise this option by indicating the following within the written instrument:

  • Type of POA – What was the purpose of the original form? (financial, health care, other)
  • Title – Identify the name of the document.
  • Parties – Specify who was involved in the conveyance of powers (principal, agent, successor agent).

The individual executing the revocation must then follow up the aforementioned data with their written endorsement. (The signing must occur while in the presence of an impartial witness possessing notarial powers.)

Other Versions

OpenDocs Version

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