West Virginia Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney Form


The West Virginia Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney constructs a binding legal understanding for a delegated agent to assume responsibility for another’s stipulated financial controls. The contract allows an individual to choose whether they would like the indicated transfer of controls to take effect immediately or after the principal’s incapacity occurs. The objective of the durable form of the arrangement institutes for the established right to remain in effect after incapacitation takes place. The filing is established to set forth the details on the gained rights for financial matters, providing space for the declarant to specify the areas in which the attorney-in-fact will acquire authority. Charge of the buying and selling of assets and signing privileges for taxes and banking activities are some of the selections that can be made within the agreement. When deciding to give power of attorney to a person, it is important to appoint someone you trust as it can have far-reaching repercussions for the estate owner. Upon endorsement, it is required to have a commissioned notary public present to ascertain the principal and agent’s capacity and witness the willing consent and execution of the document.

Other Versions

State of West Virginia Durable Statutory Form Power of Attorney

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West Virginia Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney – Version 1

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