Utah Minor Child Power of Attorney Form


The Utah Minor Child Power of Attorney implements a written register to issue parental authority to a designated attorney-in-fact. For cases warranting the assistance of a third party, the document can be instated to allow another person to actor n behalf of the parent for the child or children. The paperwork extends a broad range of parental rights to allow the appointed agent to sign for and provide basic needs in place of the minor’s parent or parents. The express limitation on the given rights will not permit adoption or marriage. Notarization of the form must be performed at the time of signing to verify the official act.

Other Versions

Bilingual English/Spanish Version

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Additional Resources

Utah Courts – Checklist for Power of Attorney Over a Protected Person or Minor Child
Utah Courts – Guardianship of a Minor
Utah Courts – Temporary Delegation of Parental Authority

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Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)




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