New York Minor Child Power of Attorney Form


The New York Minor Child Power of Attorney operates as a legal filing to record the issuance of parental controls of a minor from the parent to a designated agent. The agreement can be beneficial when a child is enrolled in school far from home or if the parent is temporarily absent. New York law stipulates that the duration of the minor POA arrangement cannot endure longer than one (1) full year. In situations that require longer than a twelve (12) month period, temporary guardianship is an alternative that may be ordered.

Other Versions

eForms Version

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OpenDocs Version

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Additional Resources

Related Forms (4)

Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)




Appointment of Guardian (Form 6-3)

Download: Adobe PDF




Consent to Guardianship (Form 6-4)

Download: Adobe PDF




Revocation of Power of Attorney

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)