Idaho Minor Child Power of Attorney Form


The Idaho Minor Child Power of Attorney is a legal document that requires a certain amount of consideration as it authorizes another party to act on the behalf of a parent. When a mother, father, or another legal guardian is going to be absent from their child for a certain period of time, they will typically arrange for someone to care for the minor while they are gone. By accomplishing this POA, the executor can supply the caregiver with certain powers that authorize them to manage various aspects of the minor’s life, such as their medical, dental, and/or educational needs. All the form necessitates are the details surrounding the arrangement, the signature of the parent/guardian, and the acknowledgment of a notary public.

(This particular form is primarily used to appoint a grandparent, sibling of the parent, or sibling of the minor child as the attorney-in-fact.)

Other Versions (3)

Idaho Minor Child Power of Attorney – Version 1

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)




Idaho Minor Child Power of Attorney – Version 2

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Spanish/Español Version

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Additional Resources

Idaho Commission on AgingGrandparents Parenting Grandchildren

Related Forms

Revocation of Power of Attorney

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)