Statutes – Georgia Power of Attorney Act (O.C.G.A. § 10-6B-1 -10-6B-23)
Definition – “Power of attorney” means a writing or other record that grants authority to a person to act in the place of an individual, whether or not such term is used (§ 10-6B-2(7)).
Signing Requirements – Must be signed in the presence of at least one (1) witness and an officer who is authorized to attest registrable instruments, e.g., a notary public or another type of official mentioned in § 44-2-15 of the Georgia Code (§ 10-6B-5).
By Type (9)
- Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will)
- Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney
- General (Financial) Power of Attorney
- Limited (Special) Power of Attorney
- Minor Child Power of Attorney
- Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney
- Real Estate Power of Attorney
- Revocation of Power of Attorney
- Tax Power of Attorney
Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will) – Enables the designation of a health care agent as well as the stipulation of preferences regarding end-of-life/life-sustaining treatments.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses (§ 31-32-5(c)(1))
Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney – As the most prominent type of financial POA, this instrument can deliver authorities associated with a grantor’s personal accounts, property, liabilities, benefits, etc. (Stays valid even if the principal loses their mental capacity.)
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Witness & Notary Public.
General (Financial) Power of Attorney – Like its counterpart, the durable POA, this document will also allow individuals to convey authorities connected to their finances/property but loses its functionality once the issuing party becomes incapacitated.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Witness & Notary Public.
Limited (Special) Power of Attorney – Limits the authority given to the attorney-in-fact by allowing the principal to furnish a precise description of the exact task they want to be carried out.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Witness & Notary Public.
Minor Child Power of Attorney – Parents who want to authorize another person (a family member, step-parent, qualified non-relative) to temporarily care for their child may do so with the use of this form.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Notary Public (§ 19-9-129(a)(1))
Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney – Car or truck owners can delegate vehicle-related assignments to a third (3rd) party with the completion of this form.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Notary Public.
Real Estate Power of Attorney – For property owners or homebuyers who wish to have a trusted individual act on their behalf concerning real property.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Witness & Notary Public.
Revocation of Power of Attorney – Retract the authority granted in a previous POA document by supplementing this form.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Notary Public Recommended.
Tax Power of Attorney – Most commonly used by those looking to authorize their accountant or attorney to handle their tax duties.
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Signing Requirements: Acknowledgment of Notary Public (unless the representative is an attorney, qualified accountant, or IRS agent).