Washington Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template


The Washington Standard Lease Agreement drafts a uniform document to record the stipulated commitments to a leasing arrangement. When an owner of a residential dwelling persues action to rent a property, it is standard practice to make a tangible account of the transaction for future reference, liability, and accountability purposes. The form serves to include information to register the following facts:

  • Name(s) of the Property Owner(s)
  • Name(s) of the Tenant(s)
  • Names(s) of the Additional Occupant(s)
  • Leased Property Address
  • Rental Rate
  • Due Dates
  • Damage Deposit(s)
  • Lease Term

The instituted legal arrangement additionally makes a note of all established building protocols and permissions granted to both landlord and tenant for the length of the contract. Providing signatures from each of the involved parties will institute the terms’ approval and indicate acceptance of all promises included therein.

Other Versions

Washington Standard Lease Agreement – Version 1

Download: Adobe PDFMS Word (.docx)




Washington Standard Lease Agreement – Version 2

Download: Adobe PDFMS Word (.docx)




Washington Rental Housing Association Version

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Seattle Washington Association of Realtors Residential Lease Agreement

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