Free Maine Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale Form | PDF

Maine Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale Form

The Maine DMV bill of sale form is required by Maine law to register a vehicle recently purchased from a private party or dealership. The form is primarily needed to calculate the mandatory sales tax associated with the registration process (typically 5.5% of the selling price). The sale date, seller/buyer info, and signatures must be recorded on the document to verify the event.

Last updated June 4th, 2024

The Maine DMV bill of sale form is required by Maine law to register a vehicle recently purchased from a private party or dealership. The form is primarily needed to calculate the mandatory sales tax associated with the registration process (typically 5.5% of the selling price). The sale date, seller/buyer info, and signatures must be recorded on the document to verify the event.

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How to Register a Vehicle

To legally operate your recently purchased vehicle, you must first have it processed for registration. Go to a municipal town office near you, if your local municipal town office does not engage in the registration of motor vehicles, you must instead visit a Maine BMV (Bureau of Motor Vehicles). Once you arrive in person, you must have the following materials at your disposal:

  • The bill of sale, that assures that you have purchased the vehicle for the amount listed on the document.
  • Title of the vehicle signed over by the prior owner (only mandatory if the vehicle is newer than 1995).
  • A state of Maine driver’s license.
  • Paperwork confirming that you have a valid auto insurance plan.
  • A Vehicle Registration Application (White and yellow copies are only available at the town office; there is no online form).
  • Be prepared to make the following payments:
    • Title Application Fee (only required for vehicles newer than 1995) – $33
    • Maine Sales Tax – 5.5% of the sales price of the vehicle.
    • Excise Tax – Depends on which municipality/county you are registering the vehicle in.
    • License Plate Fees – Determined by the type of plates you choose.