Louisiana Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney Form


The Louisiana Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney secures a principal-agent relationship where the appointed party (known as the “mandatary”) will have the ability to carry out acts for the document’s executor. More specifically, these acts will revolve around the principal’s financial resources/responsibilities, such as property (real & personal), banking, insurance, benefits, taxes, legal matters, etc. To effect this instrument, the issuing party must transcribe details concerning the participants, the scope of the authority, and any restrictions on the powers provided. Upon supplying all the necessary data, it is recommended that the principal sign the document in the presence of two (2) witnesses or a notary public.

Other Versions (3)

Louisiana Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney – Version 1

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eForms Version

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eSign Version

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Additional Resources

Related Forms

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