Maine Limited (Special) Power of Attorney Form


The Maine Limited (Special) Power of Attorney can be tailored to the needs of its executor as it provides them with the opportunity to write in their own powers and limitations. With many other forms of the POA document, individuals are provided with a premade list of general powers that tend to be on the broader side of things. As some individuals may find this useful, others may prefer to insert their own description of the powers that are to be granted so that they can further define the scope of the authority. Those who are interested in executing this type of document must be prepared to furnish it with the names & addresses of both parties involved, descriptions of each power that is to be conveyed, and an outline of the overall terms of the arrangement. Once the form has been delivered with the requisite data, the principal will be compelled to endorse it in front of a notary public for validation (acknowledgment of witnesses optional).

Other Versions (3)

eForms Version

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)




eSign Version

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OpenDocs Version

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