Free Georgia Bill of Sale Forms | PDF

Georgia Bill of Sale Forms

The Georgia bill of sale form verifies the relevant information associated with the sale of a designated unit of personal property within a document. The account logs discerning info on the related parties, their contact data, the transferred object, and transaction conditions. The content of the filing is then confirmed by the endorsement of the paperwork.

Last updated June 2nd, 2024

The Georgia bill of sale form verifies the relevant information associated with the sale of a designated unit of personal property within a document. The account logs discerning info on the related parties, their contact data, the transferred object, and transaction conditions. The content of the filing is then confirmed by the endorsement of the paperwork.

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Bill of Sale Types

Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale Form – Authorizes the sale of a motor vehicle in writing.

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Boat (Vessel) Bill of Sale Form – Corroborates the circumstances of a sale of a vessel to the recorded register.

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Firearm (Gun) Bill of Sale Form – Materializes the event of selling a gun to an outlined composition.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

  • A filled and endorsed bill of sale form
  • A finalized Georgia Motor Vehicle Title/Tag Application (Form MV-1)
  • An accurately reassigned certificate of title for the vehicle
  • Evidence of residency via an acceptable document with the applicant’s name like a utility bill, property rental agreement, or pay stub.
  • Some counties will mandate a certified vehicle inspection be conducted before registering your automobile. Call your local Georgia Tag Office to inquire.
  • A valid insurance policy information card
  • An active Georgia driver’s license or identification card
  • Sufficient payment to cover the cost of registration expense.

Boat (Vessel) Registration Forms

  • A completed bill of sale form
  • A filled and signed Georgia Vessel Registration Application (Form REV 2017)
  • Ownership documentation with an original manufacturer’s certificate of origin, an affidavit of vessel ownership, or another validation document.
  • All boats purchased outside of the state will require the prior owner’s registration for the boat. Additionally,  you will need to furnish a transferred title for the vessel, should the other state of purchase by a state that issues titles for vessels.
  • Payment for all fees imposed by the state of Georgia
  • You can choose to complete the application process online utilizing the State of Georgia’s department of natural resources website, or by mail with a phone payment.

Firearm Registration Forms

Georgia does not obligate residents to register a firearm acquired with the governing authorities. To carry a gun, whether it is to be in an open or concealed manner, will require an individual to obtain a Weapons Carry License. This will also allow for the transport of a weapon within the confines of participating reciprocity states, upon issuance of the license. To apply, submit the following forms and identifying paperwork to your local probate court office:

  • A filled out, and signed copy of the Weapons Carry License Application (Form DPS 445)
  • An original fingerprint identification card
  • A current driver’s license, ID card, or U.S. Passport
  • Any applicant that may have received treatment from an institution, for substance abuse or a mental disorder, within the last five years, must provide a letter from the superintendent, endorsing a Weapons Carry License for the individual.
  • An approved form of financial compensation to pay the licensure fees