How to Register a Vehicle
Read the following if you need directions on registering your recently purchased vehicle. Go to a Florida DHSMV (Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles) office of your choice and bring the items listed below:
- Bill of Sale Agreement signed by both parties – in accordance with §319.23.
- A title that has been properly signed over to the new owner.
- Positive identification of the person registering the vehicle.
- Proof of an existing insurance policy.
- If the vehicle is less than ten years old and there is no room to note the odometer reading on the title, you will have to supply a DHSMV official with a Florida Odometer/Mileage Disclosure Form—Form HSMV 82042 (this also functions as a VIN Verification form, which is needed if you are a new resident or purchased the vehicle out-of-state). This is enforced by law according to Florida Statute §319.225.
- If it was an out-of-state purchase, you must complete a Florida Application for Certificate of Title With/Without Registration (Form HSMV 82040).
- Come prepared with the necessary payment methods for any possible registration, titling, tax, or license plate fees.
How to Register a Vessel
Once a boat has been purchased or upon relocation to Florida with your boat, you have a total of 30 days to register the vessel. Make an appointment for an appearance or visit without one at your nearest local Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles facility with the following:
- The official Bill of Sale (Form HSMV 82050) notarized by an authorized agent or a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO) if the Vessel is purchased new.
- A signed-over title with a completed Odometer Disclosure Statement (page 2 of the supplied bill of sale) if the vehicle is 10 years old or newer.
- A valid form of photo identification.
- First-time state registrations of a given watercraft will require a VIN inspection available from any police precinct.
- Documentation of active boat insurance within the State of Florida.
- Monies for registration and tiling fees and taxes.
Once the registration is complete, you will gather registration plates and stickers to make them visible on your watercraft. The registration must be renewed by the owner’s birthday in the following calendar year. If the registration is owned by a company, it is due in June. During the renewal period, you have the choice to renew for a one- or two-year period.