Virginia Bill of Sale Forms


The Virginia bill of sale form serves as a written account of the particulars involved in an agreement to exchange property for an assumed monetary value. This binding document clarifies the finer points of the transaction, stipulating information about the buyer, seller, sale item, and terms of the sale. The contract additionally protects both parties after the sale has concluded, highlighting the date of transfer. This protection shelters the buyer and seller from any liability, should the item have been used in illegal practice before or after the sale.

Bill of Sale Types

Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale Form – Exercised in the event of a sale of a motor vehicle.

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Boat (Vessel) Bill of Sale Form – Establishes ownership upon the completion of the transaction for a ship.

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Firearm (Gun) Bill of Sale Form – Drafted to issue an exchange of ownership when selling a gun.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

Boat (Vessel) Registration Forms

Firearm Registration Forms

The state of Virginia does not mandate registration of firearms purchased in-state unless the weapon is deemed fully-automatic. It is not necessary to get hold of a permit to buy a gun, and the state does not require background checks for firearms purchased used from a private seller. If a resident would like to apply for a concealed carry permit, the following must be submitted for consideration: