Required Disclosures
Condo Unit (§ 76-883) – The seller (or individual operating on their behalf) must present the prospective buyer with a copy of the public-offering statement that describes how the condominium project functions.
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure (42 U.S. Code § 4852d) – Specifically designated for housing constructed before the year 1978, this federally enforced disclosure requires transferors of real property to supply transferees with documents/records pertaining to the discovery of lead paint within the confines of the property.
Sanitary and Improvement District (SID) (§ 31-727.03(2)) – If the home for sale is located within a SID, the vendor is responsible to provide the purchaser with the most recent statement containing information about the current individuals in charge of governing the district.
Seller Property Condition Disclosure (SPCD117) (§ 76-2,120(7)) – The person(s) looking to sell their residence is liable to accomplish a disclosure statement that provides an overview of the property’s current condition and notes any material defects that may be present within the structure.
Realtor Version
Nebraska Real Estate Commission – PDF
Omaha Area Board of Realtors – PDF
Realtors Association of Lincoln – PDF