For Landlords & Tenants – If you are taking part in the leasing of a property, as opposed to the sale of a home, you must substitute this page’s document with the lead-based paint disclosure form for renters.
The seller of a home that meets the criteria stated above should supply the individual purchasing the property with the following paperwork listed below:
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – This allows sellers to report any known lead paint hazards contained within the property and also includes the necessary “Lead Warning Statement” found under § 745.113(a)(1). It should be signed by both parties and their agents, then attached to the purchase agreement.
- EPA-Approved Pamphlet – Sellers must also provide this educational handout that teaches buyers about the risks involved with coming into contact with the toxic substance and instructs them on how to recognize a potential hazard.
- Previous Inspection Reports – If the seller indicated that there were indeed known lead hazards contained within the structure, they are obligated to produce documentation concerning the evaluation that confirmed this fact (§ 745.113(a)(3)).