Required Disclosures
Convicted Persons Disclosure Statement (§ 58-3078) – Kansas law mandates that this statement be attached to all purchase agreements prior to signing the contract. (Included in the Kansas purchase agreement.)
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure (42 U.S. Code § 4852d) – Any dwelling that was built before 1978 requires the seller to furnish the purchaser with all records pertaining to the presence of lead paint within the residence and an EPA approved guide.
Radon Disclosure Statement (§ 58-3078a) – All sale contracts must include a statement referring to the dangers associated with radon gas. (This statement is already included within the content of the Kansas purchase agreement.)
Seller’s Disclosure and Condition of Property Addendum (§ 58-30.106) – The seller/seller’s agent is compelled, by state law, to disclose the overall condition of the property, all known material defects, and any possible environmental hazards. The KCRAR also offers a secondary form for Additional Disclosures Including Those Mandated by State or Federal Law. (The 2 forms linked above cover all the necessary disclosures needed to achieve a legitimate sale.)
Special Assessment or Fee (§ 12-6a20) – If a special assessment or fee is applicable to the property being sold, the current owner/seller is liable to deliver a written disclosure stating the essential information regarding this fact.
Realtor Version
Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors – PDF