Statutes – There are no specific statutes regulating the use of a non-durable POA. Apart from the portions mentioning the instrument’s durability, individuals partaking in this document should refer to sections 87-3-101 – 87-3-113 of the “Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act”, as well as HB 468 (the current house bill submitted for approval).
Definition – There is no legal definition for a non-durable POA within the content of Mississippi’s law code. That being said, Section 102(7) of HB 468 defines any POA as the following; “Power of attorney” means a writing or other record that grants authority to an agent to act in the place of the principal, whether or not the term power of attorney is used.
Signing Requirements – Although there is no legal statute concerning the execution of a power of attorney, the current house bill proposes that the principal should receive the acknowledgment of a notary public at the time of signing (HB 468, Section 105).
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