Statute – “The authority granted in a power of attorney shall be terminated when the principal, orally or in writing, or the principal’s legal representative with approval of the court in writing informs the attorney-in-fact or successor that the power of attorney is modified or terminated, or when and under what circumstances it is modified or terminated.” (§ 404.717(1)(2))
Signing Requirements – Acknowledgment of Two (2) Witnesses and/or a Notary Public Recommended
Agent Liability – “If the attorney-in-fact or successor attorney-in-fact intentionally acts after receiving actual notice that the power of attorney has been revoked or terminated, and thereby causes damage or loss to the principal or to the principal’s successors in interest, such attorney-in-fact or successor attorney-in-fact shall be liable to the principal or to the principal’s successors in interest, or both, for such damages, together with reasonable attorney’s fees, and punitive damages as allowed by law.” (§ 404.717(5))
Other Versions (3)
Missouri Revocation of Power of Attorney – Version 1
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