Montana Month-to-Month Lease Agreement


The Montana month-to-month lease agreement dedicates the characteristics of rental arrangement for a residential property to a printable document. The majority of lease agreements tend to be for a term lasting 6-12 months or more depending on the situation. In comparison, a month-to-month lease commits both the landlord and tenant to a shorter period allowing either party to opt-out with express thirty (30) day notification. The state of Montana requires that notice be given at least thirty (30) days ahead of time to be per the Montana Code Annotated § 70-24-441. The form surveys the commitments to be adhered to for the length of the contract, drafting a written record of the agreed-upon promises. Included in the displayed clauses is terminology defining the involved players (lessee and lessor), the subject property, and rental payment information. Additionally, the paperwork sets forth policies and procedures for renting the unit as well as the expected relationship between landlord and tenant. The form is considered legally binding once executed ad dated by the designated participants in the allocated spaces.