Eviction Notice Templates (Notices to Quit)


An eviction notice (notice to quit) is a last-resort document sent to renters that are not meeting the criteria of a rental agreement. The conditions of the letter can vary depending on the severity of the situation. There are three (3) types of notices, these being:

  • Pay or Quit – Notifies the tenant that if they do not satisfy the money owed, they are to vacate the premises by the date specified in the letter.
  • Cure or Quit – If a tenant is violating any other condition of the lease, they are to either resolve the issue or face eviction.
  • Unconditional Quit – There are no remediation efforts that will allow the occupant to remain on the property, they must leave the residence by the stipulated date or be evicted.

All of the abovementioned options are available within this form. Issuers must be prepared to supply the number of days to vacate, a description of the lease violation, and their signature affirming that the notice was served to the tenant.

By Type

Month-to-Month Notice to Quit – Tenants and landlords looking to terminate a monthly rental contract may use this form to notify the other of their decision to end the tenancy.

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