How to Register a Gun
Vermont maintains a lenient approach to its regulatory laws surrounding the documentation of firearms and its carrying policy. There are no governing statutes involving the registration of guns for those residing in the state of Vermont. In addition, there is also no rule stating that you must have a permit to purchase a firearm. However, background checks are mandated for those buying both new and used long guns and handguns and can be carried out through a federally approved dealer. To lawfully purchase a firearm, you must be age 21 or over or, for those aged 18-20, have completed an accredited hunter safety program.
Although there is no need to register a firearm, there are compulsory restrictions on magazine quantity (per 13 V.S.A. § 4021), enforcing the illegality of magazines containing more than ten rounds for a long gun or 15 for any handgun. Vermont does not require gun owners to obtain a concealed or open carry permit to carry a firearm as long as they are lawfully entitled to use a gun in-state and are a citizen or legal alien of the US.