How to Register a Gun
Maine is a state that does not command extensive background checks or licensure to purchase, own, or carry a gun in approved places. There is no obligation for those residing within the boundaries of the state of Maine to register a firearm. The Maine Revised Statutes do not demand a permit before buying a gun, nor is a permit to own a weapon mandated. Background checks are not mandatory when purchasing a long gun or handgun from a private seller. Open carry of a firearm is permitted in sanctioned areas utilized for hunting or competition shooting. Permitless carry went into effect for those 21 and older (or 18 to 21 for those actively enlisted in a branch of the armed services) on October 15, 2015, allowing one to carry a concealed handgun without a permit or license in acceptable situations and locales within the state. State law stipulates that a gun must be unloaded for an individual to travel with the weapon inside the vehicle.
How to Obtain a Permit to Carry Concealed Handguns
You do not necessarily need to obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon. However, it is available to those who wish to use it to travel outside of Maine to states of active reciprocity. To qualify for the permit, you must meet the same guidelines enforced for permitless carry, as well as pass a background investigation that will examine any history of crime, drug/alcohol abuse, or mental illness. Before applying, thoroughly read the State of Maine Laws Relating to Permits to Carry Concealed Handguns.
To effectively apply for the Maine Permit to Carry Concealed Handguns, you must procure the following records and paperwork to send to the Maine State Police Special Investigations Unit:
- A completed and signed Maine Application for Permit to Carry Concealed Handguns (Form 1R-Rev 8-15).
- Evidence of completion of a firearm training course with an acceptable instructor or its equivalent proving familiarity with handgun safety.
- A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate, green card, or naturalization papers.
- An admissible 2″ x 2″ color passport-type photo.
- Compensation for permit fees must be remitted by a check or money order made out to “Treasurer, State of Maine” ($35).
Contain all gathered documentation in an envelope with sufficient postage and mail to the below address:
Department of Public Safety
Maine State Police
Special Investigations
164 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
You should receive notification of the status of your permit within 1-2 months, depending on how long you have resided in the state. The permit will require renewal after 4 years from the date it is granted.