Free Colorado Bill of Sale Forms | PDF

Colorado Bill of Sale Forms

The Colorado bill of sale form designates the basic details for confirming the act of transferring personal property for a monetary sum. The document allows the involved parties to archive the transaction’s particulars, including the participants’ names, a description of the item to be conveyed, and the amount of funds to be exchanged to be authenticated by corroborating signatures.

Last updated June 2nd, 2024

The Colorado bill of sale form designates the basic details for confirming the act of transferring personal property for a monetary sum. The document allows the involved parties to archive the transaction’s particulars, including the participants’ names, a description of the item to be conveyed, and the amount of funds to be exchanged to be authenticated by corroborating signatures.

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The filing can be utilized after the fact to represent the transfer date for the possession of the property.

Bill of Sale Types

Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale Form – Paperwork reserved for demonstrating the particulars of an auto sale.

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Boat (Vessel) Bill of Sale Form – Supports the agreement of an exchange of a boat for financial compensation, and the details involved in the sale.

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Firearm (Gun) Bill of Sale Form – Documents the conditions involving the transfer of a gun to a concrete written record.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

  • A finalized bill of sale
  • A reassigned certificate of title completed and signed by the previous owner.
  • A VIN Verification Form (Form DR 2698), for all vehicles purchased outside of the state of Colorado. An official agent must endorse the form.
  • Confirming documentation  for the vehicle of a passed state emissions examination
  • Proof of an active automobile insurance policy
  • A valid driver’s license or ID card for the applying resident
  • Payment for all fees and taxes accrued by the registration and titling process

Boat (Vessel) Registration Forms

Firearm Registration Forms

Colorado does not obligate its residents to formally register any type of firearm. There is also no additional requirement for licensure to purchase or own a gun. To carry a concealed weapon will necessitate a Concealed Carry Permit. To apply for a permit, visit your county sheriff’s office with the listed materials:

  • Certified proof of the applicant completing an accepted program in firearm/hunter safety.
  • A Colorado State driver’s license or identification card
  • Proof of residency in the county of application with a valid pay stub, utility bill, or lease agreement
  • Funds to compensate for the fees imposed for permit processing