Michigan Minor Child Power of Attorney Form


The Michigan Minor Child Power of Attorney, also known as the “Delegation of Parental Authority”, allows parents/guardians to appoint a representative to act for them in regard to their child. This means that the individual being designated will have the capacity to perform actions pertaining to the minor’s education, health care, and dental treatment. Given this information, it is clear that this form is primarily accomplished by those who will be away from their child temporarily and want to ensure that the minor has access to such necessities. Interested parties may enact this document by reading the content within, identifying the relevant individuals (parent/guardian, agent, & minor child), and signing it as directed.

Other Versions

Andrews University Version

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Lampertius & Associates, PLC Version

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Additional Resources

Related Forms

Health Information Addendum for Minor Child

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)




Minor Child Power of Attorney Revocation Form

Download: Adobe PDF