Vermont Minor Child Power of Attorney Form


The Vermont Minor Child Power of Attorney is a document used to set in motion the issuing of choice parental controls to another for a limited period of time. The contractual permittance is a standard authorization utilized under circumstances where a child’s parent or parents cannot be present to conduct one or numerous actions required for the child’s welfare. Absence due to imprisonment, deployment, or long-distance vocational reasons may warrant the agreement’s use on a temporary basis. The obtained rights will allow the designated agent to take care of the minor’s needs regarding education, health care, assets, and living arrangements. Signatures from all legal parents must be received as substantiated by a licensed notary for the contract to be deemed credible.

Other Versions

eForms Version

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Additional Resources

Vermont Agency of Human Services – Kinship Caregivers Guide
Vermont Judiciary – Minor Guardianships
Vermont Judiciary – Guardian Booklet

Related Forms

Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)




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Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)




Vermont Superior Court Parent’s Consent to the Establishment of a Custodial Minor Guardianship

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