Ohio Month to Month Lease Agreement Template


The Ohio month-to-month lease agreement is essentially defined by its title, as the term of the contract only lasts a total of thirty (30) days at a time. After the end of the initial term, the contract will automatically renew for an additional month and will continue to do so until one of the involved parties provides a 30-day notice of termination to the other. Besides the length of the term, this document is mainly comprised of what you would see in any other standard rental contract, such as the starting date of the occupancy, the sum of the rental charges, and the deposit amount for any potential damages or cleaning fees.

HCVP Month-to-Month Lease Agreement – This contract should be used for tenants who are partaking in the Housing Choice Voucher Program for low-income housing. The form should also be accompanied by the HUD Tenancy Addendum (52641A) as well as an executed copy of the Owner Certification Form confirming that the addendum was provided.

Minimum Notice Required to Terminate Contract – Thirty (30) Days (5321.17(B))