Free Notarized Bill of Sale Form | PDF

Notarized Bill of Sale Form

A Notarized bill of sale form is a material agreement that has been witnessed by an official notary public to substantiate the commemoration of a transaction involving the sale of an item or items in exchange for a designated monetary amount. This form records the specific information involving the buyer, seller, item or items being transferred, notary, purchase price, and date of sale.

Last updated June 6th, 2024

A Notarized bill of sale form is a material agreement that has been witnessed by an official notary public to substantiate the commemoration of a transaction involving the sale of an item or items in exchange for a designated monetary amount. This form records the specific information involving the buyer, seller, item or items being transferred, notary, purchase price, and date of sale.

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Why Should I Elect to Use a Notarized Bill of Sale?

Not all documents of this nature require notarization, although it will provide authentication to verify the document independently after the fact. Notary publics perform notarization by witnessing the signature of an agreement, contract, deed, or power of attorney, and they are licensed to do so. Taking the extra measure to enlist a notary to oversee the endorsement of the form will further enforce the agreement. Contracting a notary to supervise the performance of the bill of sale can usually be carried out at a local bank or credit union or by performing an online search for area notaries. Remember, a small fee, typically between $5-15, is usually requested to manage the transaction to contribute to licensure upkeep and expense.

Protection for Both the Buyer and Seller

Endorsing a notarized bill of sale is the equivalent of swearing under oath in a court of law and attesting to the truth therein. This confirms its authenticity as it is being confirmed by a licensed neutral party. Valid photo identification must be presented before the documents are signed to prevent any fraudulent transaction or sale of stolen property.

Assurance that Both Parties Understand and Agree to the Terms

When executing the document, the notary will consider whether the individuals engaging in the agreement understand what they are testifying to. Taking the extra step to commission a notary provides further legitimacy to implementing the form because consideration is made to ensure the involved parties have the mental capacity to finalize. They also will assess if there are any signs of coercion or if they are signing under their own free will.

Confidence in Proper Completion of Forms and Endorsements

In addition, if there are any questions regarding how the form should be filled, an experienced notary can walk you through the process. Although the bill of sale form is a straightforward agreement, if there are special circumstances involved in the sale, the notary official should be able to clear up any uncertainty. Once the seller and buyer have agreed to, completed, and signed the form, the notary will inspect, endorse, and attach their official stamp to the bottom section of the paperwork.

Notarized Bill of Sale Form
