North Carolina Month to Month Lease Agreement Template


The North Carolina month-to-month lease agreement is a feasible substitution for those not looking to be tied to a yearly rental contract. Some people think that a month-to-month lease means that the tenant is in and out within a thirty (30) day period. But, to contrary belief, this type of arrangement can go on for many months and even years as the terms renew each month until one of the parties ends the contract. Of course, in order to discontinue the tenancy, the canceling party will have to provide the other with written notice of non-renewal at least seven (7) days in advance of the final term’s expiration date.

In addition to the initial date of the occupancy’s commencement, the landlord and tenant will have to record the other formalities surrounding the rental, such as the price of the rent payments/damage deposit, amount for any fees imposed, and the cost of utilities. This should all be followed up with signatures to verify that the lessor and lessee acknowledge the information provided.

Minimum Notice Required to Terminate Contract – Seven (7) Days (§ 42-14)