Vermont Month to Month Lease Agreement Form


The Vermont month-to-month lease, also commonly referred to as a periodic tenancy, is defined by its short-term, minimal commitment nature. As you may already know, most rental contracts are fixed for a period of 6-12 months at a time. With this document, each term only lasts a period of thirty (30) days. Once a term ends, the contract will automatically renew until either the landlord or tenant decide to cancel it. Aside from the term of the agreement, there is not much difference in how it is executed. It still requires all the same details that your average annual lease would, such as the starting date of the occupancy, agreed-upon rental fees, and rules of the property’s use.

Minimum Notice Required to Terminate Contract – Thirty (30) days if the tenant has lived on the premises for two (2) years or less. Tenants who have resided within the property for more than two (2) years are to be given sixty (60) days’ notice (§ 4467(e)).